About us

- Facilitate internal and/or external parties from the Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad to support abilities and knowledge in the academic field.
- Responsible to the Vice President of Academic and Career Affairs of Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad 2022.
Padjadjaran Accounting Week
Padjadjaran Accounting Week (PAW) is an educational activity in the field of Accounting and/or non-accounting consisting of National Competition, Paper Competition, and International seminar.
- Accounting Champion
Accounting Champion is a facility of the Academic Development division to take part in accounting competitions. - Mentoring Accounting Club
Mentoring Accounting Club is a mentoring activity aimed at Unpad Accounting undergraduate students to increase their understanding of Accounting Principles courses.
- Belajar Bareng Akuntansi (Bebelac)
Bebelac is a joint learning activity to prepare for UTS/UAS which is facilitated by the Academic Development division with the Teaching Assistants. - Hi-CEO
Hi-CEO or Himakunpad Champions Event Organizer is a facility provided by the Academic Development division for all members of Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad to prepare for the competition, the facilities provided include:- Find your Partner; Facilities for finding competition partners.
- Dispensation Letter; Facilities for making dispensation letters for competitions.
- Lecturer Guidance; Facilities to find lecturers who are willing to guide the preparation of the competition.
- Database; Facilities for archiving competitions that have been participated by members of Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad.
MABAR or Mari Baca Artikel is a study in the form of articles provided by the Academic Development division which is published once a month. - HPP
HPP or Himakunpad Podcast is a podcast provided by the Academic Development division that discusses the latest accounting topics. - Test Bank
Test Bank is a platform provided by the Academic Development division as an information center regarding examples of UTS, UAS, etc. - Competition and Scholarship Info
Competition and scholarship info are facilities provided to support information related to competitions and scholarships that can be accessed by the Himakunpad community.