Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad

Ghaniy Kamal B.

Assistant Manager at Assurance Advisory Delloite Indonesia

Accounting Unpad was one of the wonderful things that happened in my life: Unlocking my potential, building a network with all amazing people, and while also having fun enjoying college life. 

The tips do not keep your head full with materials in the class, unleash your curiosity and grab your self-enhancement experience in Accounting Unpad. No need to worry become busy, it would be fun to practice your time management! And also no need to worry about joining any organization with any position. We all learned together there. 

Experiences at Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad

President Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad 2017

Most relevant quotes for Accounting Unpad, from Him :

“Welcome to the Jungle!”