Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad

Alumni testimonial

maulana jailani irham

President HImakunpad 2014 (2012)

Most valuable and unforgetable! This word is worth to be given to both AKUNPAD and HIMAKUNPAD. I’m so thankful with everything I get from Akunpad & Himakunpad. this beautiful place provide me development both academic and non-academic. Joining Himakunpad is definitely the most valuable experience in my undergraduate time. This organisation helps me to have leadership exposure, profesional attitude, structural thinking and many more! Not limited to that, HIMAKUNPAD is also an open minded organization, we can do anything here as long as it’s positive things.

Don’t forget to have networking with all stakeholders (Alumni, company, etc) for sure both of AKUNPAD and HIMAKUNPAD always support. For all AKUNPAD member, you’re in the right path to grow.